Tonglen Service Grant Stars: Rocio Diaz

Meet our new Star for Diamond Mountain Retreat Center, Rocio Diaz.

Rocio has 15 years of experience in Property Management, five years of experience in Coaching Psychology, and expertise in both Holistic Healthcare Management and Creative Services Management. In her role as a Property Management, Rocio oversaw daily maintenance requests and efficiently resolved issues. She provided effective management and leadership to property and administrative personnel and built personal relationships with guests to enhance positive experiences.

As a Coaching Psychology, Rocio assisted clients to develop problem-solving strategies and set goals for overall well-being improvement. She also helped clients find balance and satisfaction, demonstrating proficiency in holistic healthcare management.

Rocia participated in the Green Stretch Pen project and retreat-training operations, including managing inventory and scheduling. As a highly organized and self-motivated individual, Rocio can inspire and motivate others, and her adaptability will allow her to thrive well in Diamond Mountain’s retreat center work environments. Her skills fit well working as a Management Consultant, Hospitality to help organize retreats and improve the managerial and the operation of DM’s joint use areas. As a Tonglen Grant recipient, Rocio will keep a daily practice journal, including 30 minutes of Tonglen Meditation.